Tweeting The Christmas Message
If you had only 160 characters to communicate the message of Christmas, what would you say? Rev. Matt Ward is the pastor of Emmanuel Café Church at the University of Leeds in England, and he’s decided to text his Christmas sermon to his congregation because most are students who will be home for the holiday.
Because Café Church caters mostly to college students, Ward says that he’s never with his flock during major Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter. “This is a bit of a challenge for a church community but there are still ways to celebrate ‘together’, even when we’re not in the same place at the same time, he recently told
“I thought a Christmas Day message would be one way of doing it, but what can say about the Incarnation of Jesus within those sort of text limits?! I haven’t attempted it yet in Twitter’s 140 characters. That really would be a challenge.”
His Christmas text sermon reads: “Christmas. A time of being with family, gr8 or not. Even in a manger Jesus is born in the heart of family. Whatever 2day brings remember Emmanuel, God IS with us.”
What would you write if you had to communicate a Christmas message in 160 character.
By Mike Potter: Texting the Christmas Message